Coastal and climate change educational resources
19 Nov
We are currently developing educational resources for KS2 & KS3 pupils, which will comprise of learning enquiries and supporting materials covering weather, climate, the coast, species, land use and change around the Exe Estuary and Poole Harbour. These will be available free of charge to schools and will be rolled out via free teacher training days in early 2014, as follows:
22nd May 2014 : Exe Estuary primary training day @ Exmouth
23rd May 2014: Poole Harbour primary training day @ Dorchester
26th June 2014: Exe Estuary secondary training day @ Exmouth
27th June 2014: Poole Harbour secondary training day @ Dorchester
Please get in touch with the LiCCo Principal Engagement Officer in your area if you would like to find out more.
This list below provides links to existing resources, packs, games and websites which may be of interest to schools covering topics around coastal change, natural coastal processes, climate change, erosion, sea level rise, adaptation and flood defence.