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LiCCo International Conference – Presentations (translated versions)
3 Oct
The LiCCo International Conference took place on 18th September, in Poole, UK. All the presentations from the day are available here in their TRANSLATED version:
1. Keynote speech – Peter Nixon (National Trust), Michel Peltier (Conservatoire du Littoral)
2. Introduction to LiCCo – Nick Lyness (Environment Agency)
3. Communicating Coastal and Climate Change Messages to Communities – Elli MacDonald (National Trust), Julie Pagny (Conservatoire du Littoral)
4. LiCCo Education Package – David Weatherly (Education Consultant)
5. The Views and Experiences of our Stakeholders – Eric Delaforcade (Communauté de Communes de Montmartin-sur-Mer), Anne Jansens (Commune de Fermanville), Pierre Aubril (Communauté de Communes baie de Cotentin), Guillaume Goodwin (DREAL Basse-Normandie), Arnaud Gruet (Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer de la Seine-Maritime (DDTM 76), Ian Brown (Swanage Town Council)
6. French Study Partner Review – Guillaume Deniaud (Conservatoire du Littoral), Amadou Diaw (CeRREV-University of Caen), Suzanne Noel (University of Caen), Emmanual Caillot (Réserves Naturelles de France), Julie Pagny (Conservatoire du Littoral)
7. Engaging with Young People – Jane Lavick (Environment Agency)
8. Legacy and Next Steps – Tony Flux (National Trust), Régis Leymarie (Conservatoire du Littoral)
LiCCo International Conference – Presentations (original language versions)
29 Sep
All the presentations from the day are available here in their ORIGINAL LANGUAGE version:
1. Keynote speech – Peter Nixon (National Trust), Michel Peltier (Conservatoire du Littoral)
2. Introduction to LiCCo – Nick Lyness (Environment Agency)
3. Communicating Coastal and Climate Change Messages to Communities – Elli MacDonald (National Trust), Julie Pagny (Conservatoire du Littoral)
4. LiCCo Education Package – David Weatherly (Education Consultant)
5. The Views and Experiences of our Stakeholders – Eric Delaforcade (Communauté de Communes de Montmartin-sur-Mer), Anne Jansens (Commune de Fermanville), Pierre Aubril (Communauté de Communes baie de Cotentin), Guillaume Goodwin (DREAL Basse-Normandie), Arnaud Gruet (Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer de la Seine-Maritime (DDTM 76), Ian Brown (Swanage Town Council)
6. French Study Partner Review – Guillaume Deniaud (Conservatoire du Littoral), Amadou Diaw (CeRREV-University of Caen), Suzanne Noel (University of Caen), Emmanual Caillot (Réserves Naturelles de France), Julie Pagny (Conservatoire du Littoral)
7. Engaging with Young People – Jane Lavick (Environment Agency)
8. Legacy and Next Steps – Tony Flux (National Trust), Régis Leymarie (Conservatoire du Littoral)
LiCCo « Vision »
29 Juil
This document outlines the objectives, mission and vision of success for the LiCCo project.
Ce document souligne les objectives, la mission et la vision de succès du projet LiCCo.
Two Countries One Sea – English Version
16 Juin
This report provides a cross-channel perspective on climate change, and in particular how it affects the coastal areas of both the South West of England and Normandy in France. It sets the context for coastal management in both countries and possibilities for partnership working across the Channel.