LiCCo International Conference – Presentations (translated versions)

3 Oct

The LiCCo International Conference took place on 18th September, in Poole, UK. All the presentations from the day are available here in their TRANSLATED version:

1. Keynote speech – Peter Nixon (National Trust), Michel Peltier (Conservatoire du Littoral)
2. Introduction to LiCCo – Nick Lyness (Environment Agency)
3. Communicating Coastal and Climate Change Messages to Communities – Elli MacDonald (National Trust), Julie Pagny (Conservatoire du Littoral)
4. LiCCo Education Package – David Weatherly (Education Consultant)
5. The Views and Experiences of our Stakeholders – Eric Delaforcade (Communauté de Communes de Montmartin-sur-Mer), Anne Jansens (Commune de Fermanville), Pierre Aubril (Communauté de Communes baie de Cotentin), Guillaume Goodwin (DREAL Basse-Normandie), Arnaud Gruet (Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer de la Seine-Maritime (DDTM 76), Ian Brown (Swanage Town Council)
6. French Study Partner Review – Guillaume Deniaud (Conservatoire du Littoral), Amadou Diaw (CeRREV-University of Caen), Suzanne Noel (University of Caen), Emmanual Caillot (Réserves Naturelles de France), Julie Pagny (Conservatoire du Littoral)
7. Engaging with Young People – Jane Lavick (Environment Agency)
8. Legacy and Next Steps – Tony Flux (National Trust), Régis Leymarie (Conservatoire du Littoral)